SentiLink Focus

Focus on: assumed identity fraud

At SentiLink, we understand that assumed identity fraud is a growing challenge for our financial institution partners. Recently, we have seen this type of fraud targeting over 50 FIs ranging from top 10 banks, to credit unions and fintechs. 

Typically, this fraud occurs when a consumer applies for a financial product using the PII of an individual who was previously in the United States on a visa but is no longer in the United States. Our ongoing research into this hard-to-detect type of fraud focuses on several classes of signals to help FIs identify visa fraud attempts:

  1. Gaps in credit history
  2. Ties to risky addresses
  3. Mismatch between SSN Issuance State and Address History State

If you'd like to learn more about our research into assumed identity fraud, please reach out to us via the form.

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